
Peanut Field Agronomic Resource Manager

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What is Peanut Profiling

One should gather six or seven plants from different locations within a field and pull all nuts off these plants. One should have about 200 nuts as a result. The frequency of each color within that sample tells the whole story if placed on an “X-Y” distribution axis.

Second Step

Collect the 200 nuts and scrape one particular end of each nut, revealing a color. The nuts will progress in time through white (very immature) to black (mature). More specifically, this progression is from white to light yellow to yellow to brown to dark brown/purple and finally to black.

Third Step

Using a profile board, you'll notice that you’ll have a “hump” around at least one age, likely two. The leading hump is the one to watch, while the other hump is made up mostly of later-maturing “pegs.” When you find the lead hump in the dark brown area, with at least 4 nuts in the black column, it’s time!